Sunday, October 16, 2011


There is no fruits in current picture theme and there is no relationship between the title and outfit but, i eventually see oranges when i see the wall.....
i like this wall color better than the previous one :)

an outfit i almost wore today but then i decided to wear other clothes just because i thought it'd be difficult for me to pee if i wore it....too bad.

wore caramel jumper and vintage scarf (as vest) plus cage heels this sunday.
(i finally cut my hair).

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NB: Sorry for being too busy to blog, i just don't have enough time, seriously need more time just to cover 1-day's task...but will see you guys sooner!


DLQR said...

love the idea of a convertible scarf. :)

karolina said...

you are soooo pretty !
and great idea !

Lena said...

beautiful *-*